Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Image Guidelines

Cool find: Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Image Guidelines

It’s amazing what you can find in an op shop (“thrift store” in the US?). I recently came across this dossier. It’s the Image Guidelines for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, and it was only $20. (Or 2000 cents, if you like making that kind of connection.)

Sydney 2000 Guidelines 360
The dossier out of the slipcase
The dossier out of the slipcase

The Guidelines, and indeed the identity of the Games, were developed by Melbourne studio FHA Image Design (now known as FutureBrand). The purpose of the Guidelines was to ensure that all Sydney 2000 Olympic Games emblems and images were defined, understood and used accurately and effectively by all parties with contractual rights.

Inner cover showing unique number in series
Inner cover showing unique number in series

According to the inner cover, the dossier is one of a numbered series of 5000 (mine being number 4288). Supposing a dossier was sent out to every sponsor or supporter of the Games, it still seems like a heck of a lot of copies to remain floating around. Perhaps it was a matter of ensuring accessibility, or perhaps it made for a more cost-effective print run!

Contents page listing sections such as The Olympic Symbol, Sporting Pictograms, Mascots, Sponsorship Alliances and Look of the Games
Contents page listing sections such as The Olympic Symbol, Sporting Pictograms, Mascots, Sponsorship Alliances and Look of the Games

Sydney was the first host city to include a comprehensive commitment to the environment as part of its bid to host an Olympic Games, and environmental considerations extended to the creation of the dossier. For example, the polypropylene used for the slipcase, section markers and CD holder is non-toxic and 100% recyclable. The paper on which the Guidelines are printed were manufactured from 100% chlorine-free pulp from managed plantations.

Section marker
Section marker

The Guidelines cover all the kind of stuff graphic designers geek out over – spot colours, typefaces, construction diagrams – and it’s all nicely presented in an easy-to-navigate ring binder.

Full spread hero images break up the content and convey the spirit of the Games
Full spread hero images break up the content and convey the spirit of the Games

What I appreciate the most about brand guidelines (or style guides) is that they document a thought process. They reveal the intention, precision, and thoroughness of the designer, and they command a high level of care, integrity and consistency in those who are entrusted with brand assets. And when the brand concerned is an Olympic Games, a stage for the world’s best athletes to demonstrate supreme effort and ultimate performance, it’s appropriate that the application of brand images should also aim at the highest standard of excellence.

See the rest of the images below.

Colour specifications for the Olympic symbol
Colour specifications for the Olympic symbol
Section index with featured quote
Section index with featured quote
Colour specifications for the Sydney 2000 emblem
Colour specifications for the Sydney 2000 emblem
Reversed emblem on various backgrounds; emblem on tonal backgrounds
Reversed emblem on various backgrounds; emblem on tonal backgrounds
Basic Elements section title page
Basic Elements section title page
Colour palette and specifications
Colour palette and specifications
Fluid Energy Graphic introduction
Fluid Energy Graphic introduction
Application of the Fluid Energy Graphic to vignettes (gradated backgrounds)
Application of the Fluid Energy Graphic to vignettes (gradated backgrounds)
Typefaces: Trajan for official applications and Binary for headlines
Typefaces: Trajan for official applications and Binary for headlines
Pictograms with photography, and with the Sydney 2000 emblem
Pictograms with photography, and with the Sydney 2000 emblem
Introduction to mascots
Introduction to mascots
Various poses for the mascot Olly
Various poses for the mascot Olly
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Image Guidelines
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Image Guidelines

The copyright in these Guidelines is owned by SOCOG. The copyright in the photographs within the Guidelines remains the property of the photographers and/or their agents.